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Entrepreneurial Tips From A Female Millionaire and more

Event Recap: Female Millionaire Detroit 

Connecting Female Entrepreneurs with Real Women Millionaire

On Sunday evening I attended an event called Female Millionaire created by Femology Detroit.  Femology had this cool idea to link entrepreneurs, business owners to a 3 women who were killing the game from all angles.

Femology Detroit is a modern day work space design for women. They are all about created an environment for women to collaborate and empower !

So again, Femology had an idea to connect a female millionaire, along with others to share the ends and outs of entrepreneurship to women like me who are just getting started.  I can really say that a fire was lit inside of me to think of creative ways to build my brand, and create a product that founded off of my principles as a blogger.  Ever since I was younger I always wanted to own my own business. I want to be my own boss so it was only right to be present at this event. Get a early start on building the foundation to creating a service or product to offer. With all that being said let me spill the tea.

Below I am going share each panelist and list the best entrepreneurial tips they provided.

First panelist was Laura Horworth, Owner of Ferne Boutique, provides contemporary clothing and accessories at an affordable price in Detroit and Bay City, Michigan. She express some of the pros and cons she experience as a business owner of 2 stores.

Next we have Alexa Williams, the Creator/CEO of Glamorous Planning. She turn her passion for organization and design a straight forward 17 month planner that promotes organization in every women life.

Special Guest was Farah Merhi, Founder and Designer of Inspire Me Home Decor.  Her back story, she was 3 semester from graduating with a degree in political science. She decided instead of finish her degree she was going to go for passion. First she had to figure out what that was…. self discovery phase.  With the help of her family and others she realized that interior design was her calling, her passion. She created Inspire Me Home Decor. She want she was passionate about into career and got a bag(check).  Farah  was so inspirational and down to earth. She spoke from her heart and gave us all gems we can take with use to jump start our entrepreneurial spirit.

Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.

Omg the decor by Francisca Heyiam/

@franciscaheyiam was beautiful

Just adore this Floral Wall by @blumfloral

 Femology knows who to call to design such a beautiful spread !

FashionLayn Outfit Deets!

I have to be honest I was looking for an outfit at the last minute for this event.  Of course my money was a bit limited so I had to rely on what I already had in my closet.  Shopping you closet in my opinion is an excellent way to save money.  I wanted to pair these cute gingham ankle pants with a bold color sweater. I wanted to go for a red sweater but I found a this  cable knit mustard sweater instead.  This sweater cost $25 bucks!

Plus Size Cable Knit Sweater// Forever21

Plus Size Gingham Ankle Pants// Forever21 (old)

If you were to open up a business, What would you your business be ?

Let me know below in the comments section. Thank you so much for reading and don’t hesitate to like, comment and subscribe to my blog.

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