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Turning 29: Lessons I Learned in My Twenties

So today is my 29th birthday… I am so thankful to see another birthday.  I have one more year to the BIG 3-0. To be really honest, I am kinda scared of getting older.  Simply I am afraid of the unknown and becoming irrelevant.  I recently was saying this in a previous post, simply discussing my plans as a 29 years old and so forth. To change my thoughts on the fear, I decided it would be best to focus and admire my growth. Growth in life is key. I am not the same girl I use to be, and I am so thankful. Instead of getting hyped up for about premature thoughts on getting older…. I am going to embrace my life, my age, and admire my growth! To admire my growth here are 29 things I have learned in my 20s.

  1. You can’t pour from an empty glass: I learned in order to be my best self, I have to make sure I take time to take care of myself. While working and blogging I learn that I had to invest more time for self and mental care. So every day now I take 10 minutes or more for me.
  2. Love Yourself! It’s really hard but it is necessary. Tell myself every day that I love myself. I learned to be honest with myself.
  3. Holding myself accountable:  You have to pull yourself on the carpet sometimes.
  4. Embrace Failure: Failure is apart of life and if you are truly passionate about something don’t stop just because you failed. Try again and do better with what you know now.
  5. “Listen” first:  Listen before you react!
  6. Know that God has you at all time: Simple as that! Don’t ever doubt that.
  7. One person opinion is not the gospel: Their opinion is their opinion. They are allowed to think freely. It doesn’t mean it is warranted.
  8. Everything does not require a reaction: I learned to be precious with my energy.
  9. Never stop dreaming – no matter your age: Dreaming does not have an age limit.
  10. Small Steps = Big Changes
  11. Everyone’s feelings matter: It is not all about you and your feelings.
  12. Saving money is important. The earlier you start the better
  13. You are enough: Simple as that. I am enough and I do not need to do anything more. I am great the way GOD made me.
  14. Invest in experiences: I learn that traveling is self care. So instead of feeling up my world with materials thing… invest in the traveling experiences
  15. Negative people don’t have room at your table: I have no more patience for toxic people. So I removed myself and distance myself from people that do not mean me well.
  16. Believe in yourself:  I learn to take myself more seriously. You have to believe in yourself.
  17. Maintaining any relationships requires both parties involved: Friendships, Relationships… Whatever it is should not be one side. Everyone has to bring something to the table.
  18. Eliminate credit card debit
  19. Comparison is the thief of joy: This is the truth. Stay in your lane and don’t worry about what someone else is doing. I have to tell myself this so many times over the course of my twenties. You can’t compare apples to oranges.
  20. Practice Gratitude every day: Be thankful for everything. Big or small, Good or bad.
  21. You do not have to tolerate everything just to say you have someone: Leave the f-boys alone. I learn that you do not have to put up with anything just to keep some one in your life. Especially the f-boys. Let them go and flourish
  22. You do not have to be alone: Being alone is a choice in my opinion. I don’t have to be alone if I do not want to.
  23. Who you know get you through the door faster than what you know
  24. If the world says no go through the back door: Do not take no as the final answer.
  25. Skincare over makeup: To have flawless makeup you have to start with a skin care routine. Do not sleep with your makeup!
  26. Stand for something fall for anything
  27. Eat the right food to feel good for the inside out
  28. Learn to let go: You have to make amends with your past. I learn that I cannot let my past mistakes dictate me. Let them go and let it flow!
  29. Embrace your family -look past there flaws: I have a lot of resentment when it comes to some of my family members. They have hurt me so in past I found it hard to let go of that hurt. Family members are humans. They are not perfect so forgive them and look past the flaws and embrace them.

Photographer: Daniela Lisi & Nicole Gafa – Nicole & Daniela Photography |IG: @nicole_daniela_studio or @nicole_daniela_photo |


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