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Money Talk: 7 Ways To Trick Yourself Into Saving Money

Living a stress free life is really important to me. I love to maintain a certain level of  balance in life. However, my life can get a bit off balance due to finances. One of the main reasons why I am so stressed at times, is of money.  It seems like I don’t have any wiggle room to save. I have gotten into the cycle where I am living paycheck to paycheck. It start off that way but living is hard. Rent cost and other expenses goes up every year.  How can I save anything?  It hard trying to stay afloat with a fixed income.

Speaking of staying afloat, my job just rolled out more overtime. Hooray! I am currently working 50 hours a week. Now they added on extra 10 hours. Did I forget to mention that I have been working overtime for 2 months straight. Money Money Money!  I wouldn’t be me if I was not complaining about it. A sis is super burnt out. I was ranting about it on Instagram a day ago. Anyway, a few of my friends and followers help me see the light. I have to trick myself into saving. They gave me some great advice about saving my money that I get from overtime.

So in today’s post I thought it would beneficial to talk about 7 ways to trick ourselves into saving money. This month is all about women and our well being. Living a stress free life and having financial freedom is super important me. Let start by taking care ourselves by managing our finances a bit better. So it time to get discipline ladies- self control. No more complaining about…We are on our way to financial security.

Don’t let money run your life, let money help run your life better

Pack A Lunch

I spend a lot of money eating out, because I don’t like to cook. I looked at my bank statement and I noticed that I spend a lot of money on food. Nothing make me happier than a nice meal at a restaurant. I need self control. So, In order to save some of my money I will start packing my lunch. Bringing a lunch from home will help me retain my coins. Also it will force me to monitor what I am eating.

Save Lose Change

Save your change people! I know for a fact that coins add up quickly. Get a coin jar or piggy bank and just put the coins to the side after you break a dollar.

Automatic Savings

I went to credit union and started up a another savings account. I was having such a hard time saving my money. I needed extra help because I had no willpower. So, I set up another account apart from my primary bank. I decided to have $20 bucks automatically deposit in this account each pay period. So yes I pay myself $40 buck each month. Out of sight out of mind method is the real reason why this work for me. I don’t see, so I don’t think about it. Easy savings. Sidenote: I also made sure that this bank was out of way so I would not feel compel to take money out of the account.

Bank Your Bonus

Extra time and money is always an upside to the job. Overtime is extra money in my pocket. When I get extra money I like to still remind myself that I am still broke. Instead of blowing through the extra money I put it away if I can. Since my willpower is low I put a small percentage of it to the side. That overtime is not going to last forever! So bank it when you get it.

Put Away Those Dollaz- Dollar Bill Challenge

Really simple- save those $1 bills from your wallet after running errands.

Make Money While Shopping

Shopping is my favorite thing to do. So I blew a gasket when someone told I can get paid for shopping online through Ebates. EBates is a cash back  and shopping award company. Basically stores pay Ebates a commission for sending us your way,  and Ebates share the commission with us through a cash back.

Round Up Programs- Acorns Or Bank of America

Lastly some apps and bank are able to round up your transactions to the nearest dollar. I use Acorns App! Basically you will pair your bank or card with the app. Very simple So let say you bought something for $9.56 from Target! The app would round your cost to $10 and will save the $0.44. You have the option to save your change in your savings account or whatever bank you have linked to it. That change really adds up face. I’ve been using it for a month now and I save $30 bucks already. Also you have the ability to turn it off if you face hard times. Sidenote: I have had Acorns for awhile but I had to turn it off because of hard times

I have tried all of these tips, sis! The most helpful for me has been the automatic savings and round up program. In conclusion, anything that involves out of sight and out of mind works for me.

Hopefully you find this read to be helpful. I hope this set yourself off on the quest of financial freedom, and a stress free life.

How do you plan to get better with savings? Are you going to try one of these tips?

Share with me in the comment section.

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