5 Quick Tips for Holiday Budgeting | Real Talk Column

Is it too early to talk about the holiday? Well I think it is a great time to talk about the holiday season and budgeting for it. This time may be a lot different due to the pandemic however, is that going to stop us from over spending? Due to the pandemic I have been over spending and I want to get myself back on task. Budgeting! I know it sounds hard but with my quick tips, and some dedication you will be ready for the holiday! In today’s post I am sharing 5 quick holiday budget tips that help keep my finances inline. Related: Money Talk: How to Budget for the Holiday Season? I have had some financial struggles in my past. Over spending has definitely plague me, especially during the holiday season. It comes every year and every year it seem like it was hard and harder for me to buy gifts or contribute during the holiday. So I sit myself down and get to business. Why was I always broke during the holiday? Well I notice that was over spending. I was budgeting but not giving my money name, so I would over spend. In order to budget …

Money Talk: How to Budget for the Holiday Season?

Now, you might be thinking that it is too early to start thinking about the holidays or setting a budget up for it. Well it is mid September, and the earlier you start the better the outcome will be. For me, I want to have a stress free holiday.   The giving of holiday gifts can take a toll on me.  My goal this year is to have a stress free holiday and a better relationship with my money.  Keep it AFFORDABLE and ENJOYABLE. So lets discuss budgeting, sis. We have to have a little discipline with this one. On today’s post I am going to share with you how to budget for the holiday season and few tips to consider when spending. Before I continue, let me not act brand new.  The Christmas season comes around the same time and day every year. This did not sneak up on me out of no where.  So whats up! I just was not prepared and showed up in my finance. Back to the regular program:  I just want to make sure I give my mother and father the best gifts every. I also put a a lot of unnecessary pressure on my …

Money Talk: 7 Ways To Trick Yourself Into Saving Money

Living a stress free life is really important to me. I love to maintain a certain level of  balance in life. However, my life can get a bit off balance due to finances. One of the main reasons why I am so stressed at times, is of money.  It seems like I don’t have any wiggle room to save. I have gotten into the cycle where I am living paycheck to paycheck. It start off that way but living is hard. Rent cost and other expenses goes up every year.  How can I save anything?  It hard trying to stay afloat with a fixed income. Speaking of staying afloat, my job just rolled out more overtime. Hooray! I am currently working 50 hours a week. Now they added on extra 10 hours. Did I forget to mention that I have been working overtime for 2 months straight. Money Money Money!  I wouldn’t be me if I was not complaining about it. A sis is super burnt out. I was ranting about it on Instagram a day ago. Anyway, a few of my friends and followers help me see the light. I have to trick myself into saving. They gave me …