5 Easy “Doable” New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Years Everyone! Does the New Year means new you or another failed resolution?  I do not understand why it is so hard for me to stick to my resolutions.  You go hard for week or two, next thing you know your back to your old habits again. So one ask me did I set any resolutions. I told them, I  am just going to see how it all works. LOL! No pressure this time around. I learned over the course of time that I were setting my goals/resolutions all wrong.  So I am going to share with you a few of my “doable resolution”. The key that I learn to setting a resolution is to keep it simple, and to make sure it something that you genuinely want to do. I will also suggest to have a plan behind any goal. How are you going to achieve this goal? Lastly, remember that making small steps lead to big changes. Let set ourselves up for success in 2019.   What is one of New Year Resolutions? What are you working on in 2019? Share with me in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading and don’t hesitate …

Bye Bye 2018: My Small Reflection

We are right on the cusp of 2018.  I felt compel to write a brief reflection today. I have to be all the way 100, I am so thankful that 2018 is near the end. For me it has been up and down roller coaster. Maybe even a love/hate relationship. I think that sounds better. HAHA. 2018 I had so many highlights. I can really say it was the year of doors being open for me. I was given the opportunity to collaborate with some many brands. Collaborating with Forever 21 was one of the greatest accomplishment that I faced as bloggers.  I still get chills when I think about. Also, collaborating with TomboyX help me feel more confident to bare it all with their super comfortable underwear. 2018 also allow me to network and meet so many wonderful folks.  Going to all the Femology Detroit events really reassure my confidences.  Lastly, I was given the opportunity to collaborate with amazing photographers in city. I am so thankful for them all because they make the quality on my blog that much better. On another note, 2018 would not be complete if I did not learn a few lesson. Accountability, self …