Affirm Yourself: 20 Positive Daily Affirmations

Like myself, some of us are accustomed to thinking negatively, berating ourselves down. “I can’t”, “I won’t”,  and “I’m not”…. Do you even realize how many times you may say this to yourself? I know for myself it goes unnoticed.   I know the more you keep watering these thoughts they will manifest in terrible ways. So my mission for my life is to be positive. I want to grow myself by saying positive things to myself all day every day. Now, I have to be honest saying affirmations and writing them out are kinda foreign to me.  However, I  am all about manifesting and trying to live a stress free positive lifestyle. So I am going to use POSITIVE affirmations  to help me rewire by mindset. “I can”, “I will”, and ‘I am”. On today’s post, I am sharing my 20 favorite affirmations I say to myself to keep my mindset positive.  I have been on positivity wave and of course I am trying to stay with. What are Affirmations? Affirmations are little saying we repeatedly say to ourselves out load or in our thoughts.  They can be positive or negative. In my opinion, everyone’s focus should be on manifesting positive …