What’s Happening, August?

Happy August! The time is flying. I am going to miss the summer when she departs, however I am looking forward to fall fashion. My favorite time of year. I am already stocking up on affordable early fall favorites and some quality pieces from the thrift. Sooo what are you looking to this month?  I am looking forward to fall fashion to report on and trusting my gut, and being exactly who I am suppose to be. I am unmatched and you are amazing ! In today’s post I am sharing the a quick list of early fall trend you need to get into now! In addition, I am sharing my own personal goals & reflections! Let get into it. Related: What’s Happening, July? FASHION BLURB… WHAT’S HAPPENING? WHAT ON TREND OR IN STYLE… ESPECIALLY IN AUGUST !! Let get into the fashion side of things as Fall is approaching. I know, I know the time has been flying. I am looking forward to warming up my looks with this ribbed knit body con dress I purchase from H&M. Olive green is an amazing color for the fall, very traditional. According to the girls, some of the early fall trends are: …