How To Stop Overthinking and Find Peace.

Are you a victim of overthinking? We all do it. It could be worrying about something, fear, anxiety, or self-doubt. I have mention it so many times before, but I am an overthinker. Every time I think I have it master. It comes back to haunt me. Sheesh, I can make a mole hill and turn it into a mountain. Next thing I know I am in continuous loop of thoughts, that it hard to get out. In the past I have mention my tips before in regards to overthinking as a highly sensitive person. On today’s post I am sharing my tips to help with overthinking and activities that will help with inner peace. Related: 10 Simple Ways to Stop Overthinking  Overthinking can be a few different actions. First, we are over analyzing something until we are paralyze from making a decision. Second, we can be regretting something that can cause us to over think. Next, worrying about the future or in other words, “what if’s”. Lastly, a continuous loop of thinking of one events. Thus, ultimately causes us to have negative emotions and reactions. How can we stio this? 5 Helpful Tips To Stop Overthinking Awareness: Biggest thing …

7 Ways To Boost Your Energy

Are you running on empty? Do you feel depleted? I know for myself I have been there before.  Honestly, I was there a few weeks ago. Low energy. I was eating out of boredom and over worked.  Being in on stay at home order has been so tough, it been tough on everybody, I know it.  However, I am so over being constantly tired and drained. I decided to make some easy and natural changes to help me boost my energy. On today’s post I sharing 7 ways that can help you boost your energy, naturally. Be the energy you want to attract. Related:Beauty Talk | How To Get Glowing Skin ? 7 Ways To Boost Your Energy 1. Eat Better First, start by changing up you diet. Eating the right food can give our body the fuel we need to be boosted. Consume more fruits and veggies with you meals or replace a snack with fruit.  Honestly, this one is hardest for me. I love my chips, and croissants. Instead of depriving myself, I keep a food journal to watch what I eat through week. Try to be more aware, of when I am eating out of boredom. Also, …

8 Things To Do While Being Quarantined

Is it me or I am I the only one going stir crazy being stuck at home? I know the first few weeks in March, was absolutely hard for me. I was so bored, and really going nuts trying to socially distance myself from people. Now I know in order to do our part in flattening the curve, we have to stay at home.  I am not going to lie it has been hard from time to time. I  am the master of spending my time alone; at times it is not fun. Other than working from home,  I soon start feeling like I was running out of things to do. Now it week 6 of working from home, self quarantine, and now the extended stay at home order (Sidenote: information based only in Michigan). I believe I finally found some entertaining things to while being stuck inside. One of my most favorite things to do our self portraits.   So, on today’s post I am sharing 8 interesting things to keep your time occupied during the pandemic. Related: 8 Tips On How to Work From Home 10 Things To Do While Being Quarantined Here is the time to make self …

I See You Struggling Sis … Tell Me About It

I just took DNA test turns out 100% that bitch, even when I’m crying crazy… Yeah I got boy problems, thats human in me… Bling Bling, then I solve’em that the goddess in me/// LIZZO – Truth Hurts. Yess I have been playing this song non stop. (Take a Listen)  Yeah I’m not sure what the lyric has anything do with self care or what I am about to post. However, I consider this song apart of my self care regimen. Music is the answer to most of my problems.  Those lyrics can explain most of the time exactly how I am feeling. Besides music makes me feel good. Anywho, I was scrolling down my timeline on Insta and I came across a question: How will you take better care of yourself this year ?  It got me thinking girl…  Hmm of course eating healthy.. its always on my agenda. Beside eating what can I do to make myself feel so much better.  I learn over the years that before you can do anything else you have to take care of yourself first. You will think that it is common sense… but really we do more for other people more than …